Advantages And Disadvantages Of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria

Advantages And Disadvantages Of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria
Advantages And Disadvantages Of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria


Advantages And Disadvantages Of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria

What is 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria?

The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria is the supreme law of the land and the foundation of the country’s democratic governance. It was adopted on May 29, 1999, after Nigeria’s transition from military rule to democratic governance. The Constitution replaced the 1979 Constitution and has been amended several times since then

Advantages of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria

The 1999 Constitution has several advantages, some of which are:

  1. Promotion of Fundamental Human Rights: The 1999 Constitution guarantees the protection of fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, and association, which are essential for the maintenance of democracy and rule of law in the country.

  2. Separation of Powers: The Constitution clearly delineates the powers and responsibilities of the three arms of government – the executive, legislature, and judiciary – ensuring a system of checks and balances that prevents the abuse of power.

  3. Decentralization of Power: The 1999 Constitution provides for the decentralization of power to the states, thereby allowing for the participation of the citizens in the governance process.

  4. Independent Electoral Commission: The Constitution establishes an independent electoral commission charged with conducting free and fair elections, which has been a significant factor in ensuring the credibility of elections in the country.

  5. Constitution Amendment Process: The Constitution provides for a process of amending the Constitution, which allows for the country to adapt to changing circumstances and address any shortcomings in the existing law.

Disadvantages of 1999 Constitution Of Nigeria

However, the 1999 Constitution also has several disadvantages, some of which include:

  1. Weaknesses in the Judicial System: The Nigerian judicial system is often slow and inefficient, with cases taking years to be resolved. This has led to a lack of confidence in the system and a reluctance to use it.

  2. Limitations on Local Government: The Constitution places significant limitations on the powers and responsibilities of local governments, thereby hindering the development of grassroots democracy and citizen participation in governance.

  3. Ethnic and Religious Tensions: The Constitution does not effectively address the issue of ethnic and religious tensions in the country, which has been a significant challenge to national unity and development.

  4. Overreliance on Oil Revenue: The Constitution does not effectively address the issue of overreliance on oil revenue, which has made the country vulnerable to external economic shocks.

  5. Concentration of Power: The concentration of power at the federal level has led to a lack of participation and engagement at the state and local levels, hindering effective governance and development.

In conclusion, the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria has several advantages and has played a crucial role in promoting democratic governance in the country. However, it also has several shortcomings that have hindered the country’s progress and development. The government and the people must work together to address these issues and create a more effective and responsive governance system.

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