Kajal Aggarwal WhatsApp Number, Contact Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

Kajal Aggarwal WhatsApp Number: Contact Details, Personal Phone Number, House Address, Email ID
Kajal Aggarwal WhatsApp Number: Contact Details, Personal Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

Kajal Aggarwal Whatsapp Number, Phone Number, Contact Details & Home/ Office Address: Here we will be providing the Whatsapp number of Kajal Aggarwal plus also their personal mobile phone number and various other contact details such as an address, email id, etc. Also, in this article, we will provide biography and contact information of Kajal Aggarwal like family, career, marriage, education, height, etc. from here. Please note that Kajal Aggarwal Whatsapp number, phone number, address and contact details may or may not be true and many celebrities hide their contact information due to privacy.

How can I contact Kajal Aggarwal?

If you are a Kajal Aggarwal fan, then you too would have felt that we could talk to Kajal Aggarwal on the phone sometime, even this is the dream of many people, in such a way that this dream can be fulfilled only, For this, you have to follow Kajal Aggarwal on social media, by connecting live chat here, you can contact Kajal Aggarwal using WhatsApp number, phone number, address, or through an email ID.

Kajal Aggarwal Contact Details: WhatsApp Number, Phone Number & Address

  1. Kajal Aggarwal WhatsApp Number: N/A
  2. Kajal Aggarwal Phone Number: N/A
  3. Kajal Aggarwal Office Address: N/A
  4. Kajal Aggarwal Residence Address: 16/4 Nagin Mahal, 82 veer Nariman Road, Churumgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  5. Kajal Aggarwal Email ID: N/A
  6. Kajal Aggarwal Fax number: N/A
  7. Kajal Aggarwal Official Website: N/A

Kajal Aggarwal Social Accounts Contact Details

Kajal Aggarwal phone number and WhatsApp number (No.) is not present on the Internet or on any website, her number is private, and if you want to contact her, then you can contact her on Twitter, you can contact Kajal Aggarwal on her email Can also contact, which we have given below. Kajal Aggarwal has also created a website, though it is not her official website or not yet.

  • Kajal Aggarwal Facebook Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/ImKajalAggarwal
  • Kajal Aggarwal Twitter Handle: https://twitter.com/MsKajalAggarwal
  • Kajal Aggarwal Instagram Handle: https://www.instagram.com/kajalaggarwalofficial/?hl=en
  • Kajal Aggarwal Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr1tgA4LWxttjEOR_ySEzDA

Kajal Aggarwal Management Contact Details

  • Kajal Aggarwal Office Address: NA
  • Kajal Aggarwal Office Contact Number: (Phone), (Fax)
  • Kajal Aggarwal Manager Phone Number: NA
  • Kajal Aggarwal Booking Agent Phone Number: NA
  • Kajal Aggarwal Management Email ID: NA

Kajal Aggarwal Physical Stats & More

  • Height (approx.): in centimeters- 165 cm
    in meters- 1.65 m
    in Feet Inches- 5′ 5′
  • Weight (approx.): in Kilograms- 55 kg
    in Pounds- 121.25 lbs
  • Body Measurements (approx.): 34-25-35
  • Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Kajal Aggarwal Personal Life

  • Age: 35 Years (As in 2020)
  • Nationality: Indian
  • Hometown: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Educational Qualification(s): Degree in Mass Media specializing in Advertising and Marketing
  • Address: 16/4 Nagin Mahal, 82 veer Nariman Road, Churumgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Hobbies: Dancing, Doing Yoga, Reading

About Kajal Aggarwal

Kajal Aggarwal (born 19 June 1985) is an Indian actress and model. She has established a career in the Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi films and has been nominated for four Filmfare Awards South.

Aggarwal made her acting debut with the 2004 Hindi film Kyun! Ho Gaya Na… and had her first Telugu film release in 2007, Lakshmi Kalyanam. In the same year, she starred in the box office hit Chandamama, which earned her recognition. The 2009 historical fiction Telugu film Magadheera marked a turning point in her career, earning her critical acclaim. It ranks among the highest-grossing Telugu films of all time and fetched her Best Actress nominations at several award ceremonies including Filmfare.

She subsequently starred in Telugu films such as Darling (2010), Brindavanam (2010), Mr. Perfect (2011), Businessman (2012), Naayak (2013), Baadshah (2013), Govindudu Andarivadele (2014), Temper (2015) and Khaidi No. 150 (2017). Kajal also played the female lead in the high-profile Tamil projects Naan Mahaan Alla (2010), Maattrraan (2012), Thuppakki (2012), Jilla (2014), Vivegam (2017) and Mersal (2017). She made a comeback to Hindi cinema with Singham (2011), which was a hit, while another film Special 26 (2013) was also a box office success.

In 2020, a wax figure of Aggarwal was put on display at Madame Tussauds Singapore, making it the first of an actress from South Indian cinema.

Kajal Aggarwal All Contact Details

I hope we have helped you in finding the Kajal Aggarwal WhatsApp Number(No.), Contact Details, Home Town, Social Media, including personal phone number, management, booking agent, as well as website and social profiles. If you have any kind of issue with out content please feel free to contact us using the comment section below.

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