Kerala SSLC 10th Percentage Calculation: How to Calculate Grade Point to Percentage Calculator Online?

Kerala SSLC 10th Percentage Calculator: How to convert Grade Point to Percentage Online?
Kerala SSLC 10th Percentage Calculator: How to convert Grade Point to Percentage Online?

Kerala SSLC 10th Grade to Percentage Calculation: After the Kerala SSLC result is declared candidates can use the marks obtained in the Kerala SSLC Exams to calculate the SSLC percentage using our SSLC percentage calculator provided in this article. Here we will also learn how to calculate the percentage of sslc marks, sslc grade to percentage, sslc percentage calculation, 10th percentage calculation from grade points, how to calculate percentage of marks of 10th class, 10th mark percentage calculator, how to calculate 10th percentage, how to calculate percentage of sslc marks, how to calculate sslc total marks.

Kerala SSLC 10th Percentage Calculation from Total Marks

SSLC Grade percentage calculator can be used to convert percentage marks obtained in the exam to grade points and can also be used to convert grade points into percentages for any calculation. It is a very simple process to understand how the Kerala SSLC Grade percentage calculator works.

Difference Between Grade and Grade Point in SSLC 10th

Before we can understand how to calculate the percentage from grade value or grade point first we need to understand the difference between the Grade Value and Grade Point.
For Example:
Suppose Yogesh is a candidate who achieved Grade “A” in Malayalam Subject then his percentage for that subject will lie between 80 to 89 and his grade point will be 8. So, achieving a grade A in the result means you have performed excellently in the exam and in Kerala SSLC Result.


How to Calculate SSLC 10th Percentage from Total Marks?

Grade Percentage Range Grade Value Grade Position
A+ 90% – 100% 9 Outstanding
A 80% – 89% 8 Excellent
B+ 70% – 79% 7 Very Good
B 60% – 69% 6 Good
C+ 50% – 59% 5 Above Average
C 40% – 49% 4 Average
D+ 30% – 39% 3 Marginal
D 20% – 29% 2 Need Improvement
E Less Than 20% 1 Need Improvement


The Grade ranges from A+ to E and the Grade Value ranges from 9 to 1.
We hope the above-given example will help students to clearly differentiate between the Grade Value and Grade Point. Using this information students can now proceed to convert Grade Point or Grade into percentage achieved in the Kerala SSLC Result. Also, if any student have any query regarding the calculation of percentages from Kerala SSLC Grade please comment below and we will solve your query.


How to calculate SSLC 10th Percentage from Grade Point?

Once the Kerala SSLC Result has been released based on the marks achieved by the students in the Exams, the grade, and the percentage of the student can be calculated. And when the percentage has been correctly calculated then the performance of the candidate is identified in the Grades of the Kerala SSLC Results.
Students can calculated the percentage using the grade point value provided in the Kerala SSLC Result and get their actual performance using the table below:
If you’re grade is A+ then your percentage lies between 90 to 100%. Now how to calculate the exact percentage read below:
Students for better understanding of Grading Calculation can refer to the table provided below:

Calculating TGP and Percentage from Grade Point

Students can find their CTGP score on the report card. But for understanding the calculation of the TGP score refer below
  • Add the grade points of all the subjects,
  • And then divide it by 10.
Subjects Grade Grade Point
Chemistry A 8
Political Science B+ 7
Physics A+ 9
Hindi A 8
Malayalam C+ 5
Social Science B+ 7
Psychology B 6
Malayalam 11 C+ 5
Biology C+ 5
IT A 8
Add up all the Grade points you have scored in all the subjects i.e:

8+7+9+8+5+7+6+5+5+8 = 68

The number obtained after adding all the grade points is the TGP present in your scorecard i.e TGP=68.

How to calculate the 10th percentage from TGP?

Simple just multiple the TGP obtained with 1.11 and the resulting value is the percentage you have scored in the Kerala SSLC exams:

i.e Percentage =  TGP * 1.11 or TGP* (100/90)

Example: 68 * 1.11 = 75.48 or 68* (100/90) = 75.48%

So the percentage scored with TGP 68 is 75.48%.

Conclusion About Kerala SSLC 10th Percentage Calculator

We hope that you will be now able to correctly calculate the percentage from grade point or grade value using the formula and explanation provided in this article. If still you have any issues in Grade Point to Percentage please let us know in the comment section below.

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