Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 in English

Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 in English
Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 in English

Unseen passage for Class 10 with Answers: Students can practice the various numbers of comprehension passage for Class 10 with answers in this page. These unseen comprehension passage for Class 10 have been prepared by expert faculties having years of experience. We have uploaded the Unseen passage Class 10 in english in this page. Students preparing for upcoming exams can bookmark this page for new unseen comprehension passages for Class 10.

Comprehension for Class 10

Friends, today we have written unseen passages for the students of Class 10. With the help of which children can prepare for their upcoming exams. In this post, we have written many unseen comprehension passage for class 10 with answers, with the help of which children can practice from home.





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Unseen Comprehension Passages for Class 10 in English with Answers

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Content in the Article

  • 1 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 2 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 3 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers
  • 4 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 5 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 6 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers
  • 7 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 8 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers
  • 9 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers
  • 10 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 10 in English

Comprehension means understanding or understanding. The purpose of reading a passage is to understand it. In this section, some passages of prose have been given for Unseen Passages for Class 10, whose length is 60 to 120 words. Then some questions related to Unseen passages Class 10 will remain at the bottom of that passage.

We have seen that often children have difficulty in answering the questions of Unseen Passage, that’s why we should practice them properly before the exam and they should pass with good marks in the exam.

1 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel started his movements in Bardoli in 1928. This movement earned Patel the title of Sardar or Leader.

Gandhiji had planned to make Bardoli the centre of his non-cooperation movements in its first phase, but after Chauri-Chaura incident he dropped this idea. Bardoli soon became the target of the British Government’s displeasure. So, revenue was raised by 22%. Cultivators were compelled to protest but the Government remained unmoved.

The delegations, therefore, met Vallabhbhai who studied the situation carefully and then spoke to Gandhiji. He told him that it was necessary to fight against the autorities for the cause of the farmers. Gandhiji gave his nod and Vallabhbhai in his own way, Persuading the people to sacrifice everything, organized a farmer’s movement. It was a non-cooperation movement, fully non-violent and disciplined.

The Government cracked down on the agitators but they fearlessly continued their struggle under the leadership of Vallabhbhai. All sorts of cruelties were inflicted upon them but the farmers remained united. Their morale remained on a high too. At last, the government had to draw up a compromise and meet all the demands of the farmers of the Bardoli Taluke. The agitation under the leadership of Vallabhbhai Patel was a grand success and had great Impact on all future non-cooperation movements, throughout the country. It brought great name and fame to Vallabhbhai. His dynamic leadership earned him the title of Sardar or true leader from Gandhiji.

Answer the following Questions:-

i.What had Gandhiji Planned for Bardoli?

ii.When did Gandhiji drop the idea of the first phase of his movement?

iii.How did the government show displeasure?

iv.Why did the delegations meet Vallabhbhai?

v.What did Patel say to Gandhiji?

vi.What did Patel persuade the people to do?

vii.Of what kind was the movement started by Patel?

viii.How did Vallabhbhai earn his title of ‘Sardar’?

ix.find the words in the passage, that mean the following -:




i.Gandhiji had planned to make Bardoli the centre of his non-cooperation movement of his first phase.

ii.After Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhiji dropped the idea of the first phase of his movement.

iii.The Government showed displeasure by raising revenue by 22% at Bardoli Taluka.

iv.The delegations met Vallabhbhai to help them in the movement against the Government.

v.He told Gandhiji that it was necessary to fight against the authorities for the cause of the farmers.

vi.Patel persuaded the people of sacrifice everything in their struggle of the cause.

vii.It was a non-cooperation movement, full non-violent and disciplined.

viii.Vallabhbhai’s dynamic leadership earned him the title of Sardar from Gandhiji.

ix.Answers below 



2 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers

But first – just what is an earthquake? And what causes it? In the early history of the earth, when it was cooling down, the rocks deep in the earth’s crust created huge ‘islands’ which floated on the

Softer and hotter rocks below rather like wood floats on water. Slowly, there islands drifted apart to make the land-masses we know today as continents. But even now these ‘islands’ are not stable, and are still drifting very, very slowly. It is these imperceptible movements which create stresses in the rock, many miles below the surface. Every so often, one of these stresses will break and on the Surface the deep underground movements is felt as an earthquake.

There are three large regions in the world where earthquakes are most likely to happen. Scientists call them earthquake zones. The first runs along the east coast of the Asian continent up through Japan, across Alaska, then down the west coast of North America, crossing Mexico and ending somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. The second runs down the west coast of South America. The third runs across the south of Europe and North Africa, through Greece and Turkey and into the middle of Asia.

Answer the following Questions:-

(1) What created huge ‘islands’?

(2) By which name do we konw these lane masses?

(3) What do we know about these ‘islands’ even now?

(4) What do these imperceptible movements create?

(5) How is earthquake caused?

(6) Where have major earthquakes occurred?

(7) Which is the first earthquake zone?

(8) Which is the second earthquake zone?

(9) Which is the third earthquake zone?

(10) Find the words from the passage which means -:

(a) A violent movement of part of the earth’s crust.

(b) An area with particular characteristics.


1.The rocks deep in the earth’s crust created huge islands.

2.We know these huge land masses by the name of continents.

3.Even now, we know about these ‘islands’ that they are still drifting very, very slowly.

4.These imperceptible movements create stresses in the rocks.

5.Earthquake is caused when one of the stresses breaks and deep underground movements is felt.

6.Major earthquakes have occurred in three large regions in the world.

7.The first earthquake zone runs along the east coast of the Asian continent up through Japan, across Alaska, then down the west coast of North America, crossing Mexico and ending somewhere in the Caribbean Sea.

8The second zone runs down the west coast of South America.

9The third earthquake zone runs across the south of Europe and North Africa, through Greece and Turkey and into the middle of Asia.

(a) Earthquake (b) zone.

3 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers

Nanotechnology is the science of the miniature, the science that can create a mobile for an ant! Nano-materials are of thousand times smaller than the diameter of a human hair and can be applied to almost every field, from medicine to cosmetics. ‘Nano’ in Greek means ‘dwarf’ and when any material is reduced to a nano dimension, there are drastic changes in its physical, chemical, magnetic, optical, mechanical and electrical properties. It is for this reason that this cutting edge technology can be used in aerospace, engineering, bioscience, medical science, environment, electronics, security and a variety of other fields.

In the area of health, nanotechnology can create sensors in the form of biochips, to be inserted in the human body, targeting a drug to a single malignant cell. It can also make tiny medical devices and sensors with fantastic precision to reach areas where the surgeons’ hands cannot, and repair damaged and diseased tissues.

Nanotechnology can help scientists work on atoms at a finer level, helping us get more advanced products. Nanobats may be made from carbon nanotubes to carry out functions like human beings. Nanotechnology has the power to convert sunlight into power, providing unlimited energy sources. Moreover, as nanomaterials are light, strong and transparent, they can be used for a variety of products. Nano-coatings can be applied to different fabrics to make them scratch-resistant and dirt repellent. It also has the potential to produce garments which can block chemical and biological weapons from touching the skin of a person.

In computing, nanoscience may lead to smaller or more powerful microchips with increased capacity and dramatic reductions in the size of hard discs. In environmental science nanotechnology is providing ways to detect and filter bacteria and toxins out of water supplies and clear up heavy metal and organic chemical pollution. In military technology, governments are splashing cash on developing new, light weight equipment and weapons, bullet-proof battle-suits that can morph to provide camouflage.

Despite the fact that it still has relatively few commercial applications, nanotechnology has generated criticism from environmental groups and others who fear as-yet-unknown risks to human health and the environment. Critics have called for a moratorium on research, arguing that we know little about the toxicological effects of nanoparticles, and that there are no regulations to control them.

1.1On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions: 

1.What makes it possible for nanotechnology to be used in a variety of sciences, technologies and fields?

2.How can nanotechnology revolutionise health and medicine?

3.In what ways can nanotechnology improve fabric and garment industries?

4.How will the computing be improved with the help of nanoscience?

5.On what grounds is nanotechnology being criticised? Why have some scientists opposed research in nanotechnology?

1.2 Complete any two of the following statements briefly: 

1.The author has used the expression mobile for an ant (line 1) to suggest that ………. 

2.Nanotechnology can help provide unlimited energy by ……….. 

3.Nanoscience can help make the environment safer by providing ways ………. 

1.3 Find words/phrases in the passage that mean the same as the following. Attempt any two: 

1.Highly advanced (Paragraph 1) 

2.Transform or change smoothly (Paragraph 4) 

3.Suspension or ban (Paragraph 5) 

1.1 Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.Nanotechnology is the science of the miniature, nano-materials are of thousand times smaller than the diameter of a human hair and can be applied in any field, from medicine to cosmetics. If any material is reduced to a nano dimension, there are drastic changes in its physical, chemical, magnetic, optical, mechanical and electrical properties. 

2.In the area of health, nanotechnology can create sensors in the form of biochips, to be inserted in the human body, targeting a drug to a single malignant cell. It can also make medical devices that can reach the areas where surgeons’ hands cannot go. 

3.Nanotechnology can improve fabrics and garments industries by providing nano-coatings to different fabrics to make them scratch-resistant and dirt repellent. It can also produce garments which can block chemical and biological weapons from touching the skin of a person.

4.In computing, nanoscience may lead to smaller or more powerful microchips with increased capacity and dramatic reductions in the size of hard discs. 

5.Nanotechnology is being criticised on the ground of environmental groups and others who fears as-yet-known risks to human health and environment. Critics have called for a moratorium on research, arguing that they know little about the toxicological effects of nanoparticles, and that there are no regulations to control them. 

1.2 Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.Nanotechnology is science of miniatures. 

2.Converting sunlight into power.      

3.To detect and filter bacteria and toxins out of water supplies and clear up heavy metal and organic chemical pollution.

1.3 Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.Highly advanced means cutting edge. 

2.Transform or change smoothly means morph. 

3.Suspension or ban means moratorium

4 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers

As the Indian middle class is getting more affluent, the number of celebration parties is growing and so is the guest list. We have functions for birth celebration, first birthday celebration, engagements, marriages, promotions, sixtieth birthdays, marriage jubilees and even retirement policy. Lot of people get invited to each of these.

Just inviting people to such celebrations is not a problem. Because if a person eats at one place, he/she would save food he/she would have eaten somewhere else. The problem is, there is no RSVP (which is a French abbreviation that stands for ‘Reply, if you please’) culture in India. We send invites, but we don’t ask people whether they are planning to attend or not. The host does not get any feedback and has a vague idea of how many people will show up. Certainly if more people showed up unexpectedly and had no food to eat, it would be embarrassing. So they just end up making enough for a large number of people. This results in wastage of food, cooking gas and manpower. And because electricity is costly and food storage equipment is not so easily available, huge amount of food goes waste.

Then we have people offering food and oil to gods. While so many people are going hungry, we are bathing idols of our gods in milk, honey or oil. We throw rice on the couple of marriages.

There is also a lot of wastage in how we get our food. The last end of our food and vegetable supply chains are street vendors, who lack adequate infrastructure to store food to reduce waste.

Our best of the best software engineers are writing software to run banks in US and Europe. Can’t we launch a website that makes it possible for people to reply to invites using an easy, online or mobile based application? Yes, we need this one change in our culture – replying to invites and confirming whether we can make it to the celebration or not. Best of the best MBAs are launching marketing campaigns worldwide to increase market share of consumer products worldwide. Can’t we launch a cultural change campaign?

We make choices and every choice has consequences. Sadly when faced with consequences if our choices, we externalize the blame. We find someone else to fault. We imagi9nje only of that evil outside somewhere is fixed, we the pious people would continue living our pristine and perfect lives.

If we saved all this food, it would suddenly make extra food available, thereby reducing food demand and eventually reducing food prices.

1.1On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions: 

1.What are the different ways in which foods is being wasted in India?

2.What do you understand by RSVP culture? Why do we badly need it in our country?

3.How can software engineers help prevent food wastage in our country?

4.What does the author mean by ‘culture change campaign’? Does he believe that the people ot the country can bring about the change? Why/ why not?

5.What will happen if we stop wasting food? 

1.2Complete any two of the following statements briefly: 

1.The number of celebration parties is growing rapidly in India because …………. 

2.In Indian parties often more food is cooked than is necessary so that …………. 

3.Because of lack of ……………………… and expensive ………………….. a huge amount of food goes waste in India. 

1.3 Find words/phrases in the passage that mean the opposite of the following. Attempt any two: 

1.Poor and needy (paragraph 1) 

2.Clear (paragraph 2) 

3.Irreligious, unholy or sinful (paragraph 6)

1.1 Suggested answers for the above given questions:

1.The different ways in which food is being wasted in India are the functions for birth celebration, first birthday celebration, engagements, marriages, promotions, sixtieth birthdays, marriage jubilees and even retirement parties. In all these parties everyone did not turn up and host does not get any feedback and only have a vague idea how many people will show up. 

2.RSVP culture is ‘Reply, if you please’, according to this culture the invitees should give their confirmation about attending the certain p0arty whether they can make it for celebration or not. India needs it badly because in our country there is a lot of wastage of food during the celebrations. 

3.Software engineers can prevent food wastage by launching a website that make it possible for people to reply to invites using an easy, online or mobile based application.

4.Cultural change campaign means a culture of replying to invites and confirming whether the guests can make it to the celebration or not. The people of the country can bring this change because if the people will save the food in this manner, then there will be less wastage of food and abundant availability of food in the nation.

5.If we stop wasting food, it would make extra food available thereby reducing food demand and eventually reducing food prices.

1.2 Suggested answers for the above given questions:

1.Indian middle class is getting more affluent. 

2.If more people showed up unexpectedly the invitee has enough food for large number of people. 

3.Adequate infrastructure and expensive electricity and food storage equipment. 

1.3 Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.Opposite of poor and needy is affluent. 

2.Opposite of clear is vague. 

3.Opposite of irreligious, unholy or sinful is pious.

5 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers

In 1995, the then World Bank vice president, Ismail Sera gelding said, “If the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought over water.”

With World Water Day being celebrated on March 22 every year, it is deeply disturbing to realise that with each passing day our deepest worry is the future of the planets fresh water supply. Imagine taking shorter showers, shallower baths and using minimum water for washing, cooking, cleaning and gardening.

Only three per cent of the world’s water is fresh water. The remaining 97 per cent is too brackish for humans and most animals to use. The situation in Chennai should serve as a glaring example of how grave the problem of water shortage is in our country.

Rainwater harvesting and water recycling are two solution which should be seriously looked at and if found feasible, actively implemented. Speaking on rainwater harvesting, Mr. Rudolf D’Souza of EFIE explains, “Rainwater is the purest form of water (apart from distillation). Mumbai is blessed with abundant rainfall spread over a reasonable period. We get a lot of rain, but yet we do not have water, because we allow almost all of it flow into the sea. It will not matter how much rainfall we get if we do not utilised this resource. So we need to look at this free source of pure water differently.”

Rainwater harvesting begins with a simple idea. Rain gutters are already collecting the water that falls on your roof. To harvest that water all that is needed is to change the direction of the flow so that instead of running onto the ground, the water flows into a storage tank.

The quality of the water itself makes the investment worthwhile. Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels, which reduces the use of soap and detergents and eliminates the need for the water softener. Stored rainwater also is a good standby in times of emergencies such as power outages or during periods of extreme drought. “And because it does not have to be treated, pumped or distributed through a complex network, rainwater harvesting saves energy and the use of chemicals”, explained Rudolf. Many State Governments have already made rainwater harvesting mandatory for all new buildings.

Speaking on the current problem Rudolf adds, “we actually need to make a habit of conservation. Only 20 per cent of the piped water is used for drinking, cooking and bathing, where that quality water is required; and 80 per cent is wasted – like in flushing the toilet / gardening / washing the car and so on. How many people collect water discharged from the washing machine and use it for flushing? You can save 100 litres of water that way. Simple things like fixing leaking taps, using adjustable short flushing systems can conserve water.

EFIE aims to highlight the message that today water resources are scant and hence safeguarding measures are needed. If each person consciously saved two litres of water a day – we could save millions of litres of water every day.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions:

1.Why does Ismail Seragelding fear that the next world war might be fought over water? How can it be averted?

2.How will shortage of water in future affect our daily life?

3.Why does Mumbai not have enough water in spite of getting a lot of rain? What suggestions does the author offer to confront water shortage in the city?

4.What ‘simple idea’ does the author refer to in paragraph 5 of the passage?

5.Why does investing in rainwater harvesting make sense? 

1.2 Complete any two of the following statements briefly: 

1.The situation in Chennai indicates ………………… 

2.Two solutions to the problem of water shortage are ……………. and ………………… 

3.People can save at least 100 litres of water by ……………… 

1.3 Find words/phrases in the passage that mean the same as the following. Attempt any two: 

1.Noticeable; obvious (paragraph 2-3) 

2.Salty to taste (paragraph 2-3) 

3.Plentiful (paragraph 4-5) 

1.1Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.Is mail Seragelding fears that the next world war might be fought over water because with each passing day, deepest worry in the future of the earth is planets fresh water. Fresh water is only 3% of world’s water. 

Shortage of water in future affect our daily life as it will lead to shorter showers, shallow and using minimum water of washing, cooking cleaning and gardening. 

Mumbai have blessed with abundant rainfall, till does not have enough water because people allow almost all of the rain to flow into the sea. Rainwater harvesting and water recycling are two suggestion offered to confront water storage in the city. 

‘Simple idea” means rainwater harvesting is a simple and easy process. To harvest the water all that is needed is to change the direction of flow so instead of running unto the ground. The water flows into a storage tank. 

Investing in rainwater harvesting makes sense because rainwater has low hardness level. Stored rain water is a good standby in the times of emergencies such as power outages or during the periods of extreme drought. 

1.2 Suggested answers for the above given questions: 

1.How grave the problem of water shortage is there in our country.

2.Water harvesting and water recycle. 

3.Collecting the water discharged from washing machine and use it for flushing. 

1.3 Suggested answer for the above given questions: 

1.Noticeable; obvious means glaring. 

2.Salty to taste means Brackish. 

3.Plentiful means abundant.

6 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

1. Keep your watch accurate. For some people, moving up the time on their watch will help them get up earlier. For others, they will remember that the time on the watch is wrong and will disregard it altogether. It may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead instead of five or ten.

2. Keep a clock, phone, computer or anything that displays time in each room of your house. One of the easiest ways to run late is simply by not realising that the time is passing as quickly as it is.

3. Set all your clocks and watches to the same time. Don’t be an optimist. Things usually take Longer than what you’d expect, even without major delays. If you have a dinner appointment at 7:30 p.m., don’t think you can work till 7 p.m., then take a bath, dress and reach on time. Realistically, calculate the time you will take at each step and then add 10 minutes more to allow for unexpected delays, or you cannot get to your job done in time.

4. Wake up when you are supposed to wake up. Don’t hit the snooze button, keep on lying in bed, and watch TV at the very start of your day. May be you can try even setting your clock 10 minutes earlier than you need. If you have difficulty with this, move your alarm clock to somewhere away from your bed; that way, you will have to get up to turn it off. Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early for everything. If you have to reach your place of work at 8:00, don’t even tell yourself this. Just tell yourself (and everyone else who listens – but don’t annoy them or make them think that they are late or early!) “I have to be at work at 7:45.” If you do this, you will be on time even with little unforeseen delays. You will be on time even with a traffic jam.

Question. The narrator does not deny which of the following activity just after waking up:
(i) hitting snooze button
(ii) keep on lying in bed
(iii) watch TV
(iv) wake up when you actually have to
Ans : (iv) wake up when you actually have to

Question. It is good to commit yourself _____ everything.
(i) to be late
(ii) to delay
(iii) to being 15 minutes early
(iv) to search the last moment
Ans : (iii) to being 15 minutes early

Question. The passage highlights:
(i) the value of time
(ii) the importance of being ahead of time
(iii) the value of being upto time
(iv) the value of calculating time
Ans : (ii) the importance of being ahead of time

Question. To be punctual we should _____.
(i) hit the snooze button of the alarm clock
(ii) get up at the right time
(iii) start watching TV in the morning
(iv) keep on lying in bed
Ans : (ii) get up at the right time

Question. What does the author mean when he uses the word “delay”?
(i) Late
(ii) Turn off
(iii) Disregard
(iv) Accurate
Ans : (i) Late

Question. We should be _____ in approach with time management.
(i) optimistic
(ii) pessimistic
(iii) realistic
(iv) utopian
Ans : (iii) realistic

Question. One of the major reasons for being delayed is
(i) absence of clock, phone or computer
(ii) being overindulged in work
(iii) not realising that time passes quickly
(iv) not keeping a margin in the expected time of work
Ans : (iii) not realising that time passes quickly

Question. Being ahead by _____ minutes should be everyone’s commitment.
(i) 10 minutes
(ii) 15 minutes
(iii) 5 minutes
(iv) 30 minutes
Ans : (ii) 15 minutes

Question. The author uses the word ‘unexpected’ in paragraph 4. He means to say:
(i) commit
(ii) unforeseen
(iii) annoy
(iv) snooze
Ans : (ii) unforeseen

Question. Which word conveys the opposite of realistically?
(i) Impracticable
(ii) Rational
(iii) Achievable
(iv) Pragmatic
Ans : (i) Impracticable

Question. Which word means ‘disregard’?
(i) Attention
(ii) Consider
(iii) Ignore
(iv) Regard
Ans : (iii) Ignore

Question. The narrator denies us to:
(i) be realistic
(ii) be optimistic
(iii) keeping our watch accurate
(iv) wake up when we are supposed to
Ans : (ii) be optimistic

7 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers


8 Unseen Passage for Class 10 with Answers

Read the passage given below and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow:
Sniffer dog Tucker uses his nose to help researchers find out why a killer whale population off the northwest coast of the United States is on tKe decline. He searches for whale faeces floating on the surface of the water, which are then collected for examination. He is one of the elite team of detection dogs used by scientists studying a number of species including right whales and killer whales.

Conservation canines are fast becoming indispensable tools for biologists according to Aimee Hurt, associate director and co-founder of Working Dogs for Conservation, based in Three Forks, Montana.
Over the last few years, though, so many new conservation dog projects have sprung up that Hurt can no longer keep track of them all. Her organization’s dogs and their handlers are fully booked to assist field researchers into 2012.

“Dogs have such a phenomenal sense of smell”, explained Sam Wasser, director of the Center for Conservation biology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has worked with scat-detection dogs since 199(g). Scientists have been using Conservation Canines in their research since 199(g). These dogs have enabled them to non-invasively access vast amount of genetic and physiological information which is used to tackle conservation problems around the world. Such information has proved vital for determining the causes and consequences of human disturbances on wildlife as well as the actions needed to mitigate such impacts.

The ideal detection dog is extremely energetic with an excessive play drive. These dogs will happily work all • day long, motivated by the expectation of a ball game as a reward for sample detection. The obsessive, high energy personalities of detection dogs also make them difficult to maintain as pets. As a result, they frequently find themselves abandoned to animal shelters, facing euthanasia. The programme rescues these dogs and offers them a satisfying career in conservation research.

Unseen passage with questions and answers class 10 English: (1×8 = 8 marks) (Board 2014, Set 8L1922Q)
(a) According to the text there are a few________ detection dogs like Tucker.
(b) Tucker sniffs for whale________
(c) The dogs are special because they assist in research without ________
(d) The ideal detection dog ________
(e) The dogs expect________ as a reward of their hard work.
(f) ________of these dogs make it difficult to keep them as pets.
(g) These dogs find career in ________
(h) The word ‘euthanasia’ means ________

Ans. (a) elite team of.
(b) farces floating on the surface of water.
(c) invasion.
(d) is extremely energetic with an excessive play drive.
(e) a ball game.
(f) The obsessive, high energy personalities.
(g) conservation research.
(h) painless killing.

9 Unseen Comprehension for Class 10 with Answers

Read the unseen passage for the Class 10 English exam given below and answer the questions that follow:

Cataract is the major cause of blindness, which is also caused by damage to the cornea. It occurs more often in old age. As one starts growing old, the lens of the eye hardens, loses its transparency and becomes opaque. It obstructs the light rays from entering the eye.

The onset of cataract blurs the vision. Sometimes, the cataract patient sees multiple images instead of a single object image. Because of the gradual development of cataract, the afflicted person loses his/her vision, and the world becomes dark to him/her.

The development of cataract is a complex process. However, the following factors can be attributed to its formation. Cataract generally develops in old age but sometimes, children are born with cataract because of hereditary defect. Eye injuries too, can cause cataracts.

People exposed to sun rays for longer periods develop cataract earlier than others. Researchers opine that the smoke inhaled while smoking carries substances internally damaging the eyes.

Ultraviolet radiation, invisible to the human eye, is linked to skin cancer. The victim loses vision and the world becomes dark to him.

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer any eight of the following questions: 1×8

(a) What is the major cause of blindness?

(c) Why does the lens of the eye become opaque in old age?

(f) How does cataract affect its victim ultimately?

(d) How does one detect cataract in the early stages?

(e) Give any two factors which are responsible for the formation of cataract.

(i) Find the word from para 1 that means ‘that through which light cannot enter’.

(g) Which type of cancer is caused by ultraviolet radiation?

(b) When does cataract generally occur?

(h) How is smoking responsible for the development of cataract?


(a) cataract

(c) lens of the eye hardens and loses its transparency.

(f) may lead to complete loss of vision

(d) vision becomes blurred/sees multiple images in place of one. (anyone)

(e) eye injury / long exposure to sun rays / hereditary factors (any two)

(i) opaque

(g) skin cancer

(b) old age

(h) smoke when inhaled, carries a substance that damages the eye and causes internal harm to the eye.

10 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 with Answers

Read the following unseen passage for class 10 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:-

Saving money is a special adventure. It’s not only about putting coins into a piggy bank but it’s about being clever with our money. Saving is like a treasure hunt where we gather coins to use later.

When we save, it’s like making plans for things we dream of in the future, such as going to college, exploring exciting places, or being prepared for surprises. It’s like having a safety net that protects us if things don’t go as planned.

Saving also gives us the superpower to invest in our dreams, like starting a fun project, owning a home, or doing something we’re passionate about. It’s like having a secret tool to make our wishes come true.

Moreover, when we save, we can relax and not stress about money. When we grow up, we’ll have a comfy retirement to enjoy. So, saving is like a magical key that unlocks our dreams and helps us live a happy and secure life.

Please read the questions carefully asked from the unseen passage for class 10 and answer them.

1. What is saving money compared to in the passage?

2. How does saving money act like a safety net?

3. What does the passage mean by “having a comfy retirement”?

4. How does saving money help us invest in our dreams?

5. Find a synonym for the word “safeguards” as used in the passage.

6. What is the opposite of “relax” as mentioned in the passage?


Answer- 1. Saving money is compared to a special adventure.

Answer- 2. Saving money acts like a safety net by being prepared for surprises.

Answer- 3. “Having a comfy retirement” means having a comfortable life after retiring.

Answer- 4. Saving money helps us invest in our dreams by providing the financial means to pursue our goals and aspirations.

Answer- 5. “protects”

Answer- 6. “stress”

Tips for Unseen Comprehension Passage Class 10 with Answers

Students will find the answers to those questions by reading the same passage carefully and for this they will write-

  • Students should read the given passage and questions carefully two-three times and try to understand its meaning.
  • Then the answer to each question should be marked and written in that passage.
  • Try to write the answer in your own language as far as possible.
  • Give answer in complete sentence.
  • The Tense (Past, Present, Future) and Pearson in which there is a question, use the same Tense and Person in the answer as well.
  • Write the answer in Indirect Speech not in Direct Speech.
  • You must revise your answer so that there are no mistakes related to Article, Tense, Spelling, Preposition, Punctuation etc.

What are the things to be kept in mind while solving unread passages?

The following points should be kept in mind while solving the questions of unread passage of Class 10:

  • Read the passage carefully over and over again.
  • Try to understand the meaning of difficult words and phrases.
  • Read and understand all the questions then write the answer.
  • Read the multiple choice questions carefully, as they all have similar answers. sorting the correct answer
  • For this it is very important to understand the passage.
  • If asked to state the title, a suitable title should be given.

Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 in other Languages

FAQ about Unseen Passage for Class 10

How to download Unseen Passage for Class 10?

Students can download Unseen Passage for Class 10 using the links provided above in the article.

How to get Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10?

Students can download Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 10 using the links above.

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