Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 in English

Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 in English
Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers: Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 in English

Unseen passage for Class 6 with Answers: Students can practice the various numbers of comprehension passage for Class 6 with answers in this page. These unseen comprehension passage for Class 6 have been prepared by expert faculties having years of experience. We have uploaded the Unseen passage Class 6 in english in this page. Students preparing for upcoming exams can bookmark this page for new unseen comprehension passages for Class 6.

Comprehension for Class 6

Friends, today we have written unseen passages for the students of Class 6. With the help of which children can prepare for their upcoming exams. In this post, we have written many unseen comprehension passage for class 6 with answers, with the help of which children can practice from home.





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Unseen Comprehension Passages for Class 6 in English with Answers

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Content in the Article

  • 1 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 2 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 3 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers
  • 4 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 5 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 6 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers
  • 7 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 8 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers
  • 9 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers
  • 10 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers

Unseen Passage for Class 6 in English

Comprehension means understanding or understanding. The purpose of reading a passage is to understand it. In this section, some passages of prose have been given for Unseen Passages for Class 6, whose length is 60 to 120 words. Then some questions related to Unseen passages Class 6 will remain at the bottom of that passage.

We have seen that often children have difficulty in answering the questions of Unseen Passage, that’s why we should practice them properly before the exam and they should pass with good marks in the exam.

1 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers

I have talked of the necessity for prayer, and I have dealt with the essence of prayer. We are born to serve our fellow men, and cannot properly do so unless we are wide awake. There is an external struggle raging in man’s breast between the powers of darkness and of light, and he, who has not the sheet anchor of prayer to rely upon, will be a victim to the powers of darkness.

The man of prayer will be at peace with himself and with the whole world: the man who goes about the affairs of the world, without a prayerful heart, will be miserable and will make the world also miserable.

Apart, therefore, from its bearing, on man’s condition after death prayer has incalculable value for man in this world of living. We, inmates of the ashram, who came here in search of truth and for insistence on truth, professed to believe in the efficacy of prayer, but had never up to now, made it a matter of vital concern. We did not bestow on it the care that we did on other matters. I awoke from my slumber one day and realized that I had been woefully negligent on my duty in the matter. I have, therefore suggested a measure of stern discipline, and far from being any the worse, I hope, we are the better for it, it is so obvious. 

Answer the following questions briefly.          

1.What kind of struggle is raging in man’s heart?
2.Why, according to the author, are we born?
3.Why do the inmates come to the Ashram?
4.Who will become the victim to the powers of darkness?
5.What did the author realize one day when he awoke from his slumber?
6.Who will get peace with himself and the world?
7.Write the word from the passage opposite in meaning to ‘happy’?
8.Write the word from the passage which means ‘sleep’?

Suggested answers of the above passage:

1.The kind of struggle raging in man’s heart is between the powers of darkness and of light.
2.According to the author, we are born to serve our fellow men.
3.The inmates come to the Ashram to search for Truth and to insist on Truth.
4.Who has not the sheet anchor of prayer to rely upon, will become the victim to the powers of darkness.
5.When he awoke from his slumber, the author realized one day that he had been woefully negligent on his duty.
6.The man of prayer will get peace with himself and the world.
7.‘Miserable’ is the word opposite of ‘Happy’.
8.‘Slumber is the word from the passage which is similar to “Sleep”.

2 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers

A little boy lived in a village situated on the bank of river Ganga. He was orphan and used to get his food from the people living in his village. Everyday, He used to play in a garden which was situated in his village. One day the boy sat leaning against the trunk of a tree, cried and sighed, “I am hungry.” “Eat my fruits”, said the kind tree and it bent down one of its branches. The little boy ate fruits and felt satisfied.

Many years passed and the boy grew up. Then once again he sat under the tree with a look of dejection and helplessness. “What is it?”, the tree asked. “My wedding day is bare a week away and I have nowhere to live. “Cut down my branches and build yourself a house”, said the tree. The young man sat to work immediately.

Time passed and now the young man was a sailor. Once again he sat under the tree with a look of remorse on his face. It again what the matter was, he pleaded, “My captain is cruel, so to survive I must own a ship.” “Cut down my trunk and build a ship”, said the tree.

The sailor grew old but once again he turned to the tree with a laden expression on his face. It was cold and the sailor leaned on his stick was trembling. “Make a fire of me”, said the stump of the tree. It soon burnt in the fire softly humming a tune.

Answer the following questions briefly.          

1.Where did the little boy live?
2.Why did the tree say to the boy to eat its fruits?
3.What did the man do to survive himself?
4.How did the tree help the before his marriage?
5.Did the tree remain alive at last? If yes, why/If not, why not?
6.Name the different parts of this tree?
7.How many times did the tree help a single human being?
8.Find the word from the passage which is opposite of ‘Kind’?
9.Find from the passage a word similar to “a strong feeling of sadness”?

Suggested answers of the above passage:

1.The little boy lived in a village situated on the bank of river Ganga.
2.Tree said to the boy to eat its fruits because the little boy was hungry.
3.To survive himself the man cut down the tree’s trunk and built a ship.
4.The tree helped the man before his marriage by asking the young man to cut down its branches and build a house for himself.
5.No, the tree did not remain alive at last because it gave all its different parts to a boy who grew up as an old man.
6.Fruits, branches, trunk and stump are the different parts of this tree.
7.The tree helped a single human being four times.
8.‘Cruel’ is the word opposite of ‘Kind’.
9.‘Dejection’ is the word from the passage which is similar to “a strong feeling of sadness”.

3 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers

As the night advanced and the silence in the house deepened, Gullu’sheart beat faster. He remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. How often had his chum? Mani, seen the devil in the banyan tree at his street end? And what about poor Munisami’s father who spat out blood because the devil near the river’s edge slapped his cheek when he was returning home late one night? And so on and on his thoughts continued. He was faint with fear.

A ray of light from the street lamp strayed in and cast shadows on the wall. Through the stillness of all kinds of noises reached his ears—ticking of the clock, rustle of trees, snoring sounds, and some vague night insects humming. He covered himself with the blanket as if it were armour, covered himself so completely that he could hardly breathe. Every moment he expected the devils to come up and clutch at his throat or carryhim away, there was the instance of his old friend in the fourth class who suddenly disappeared and was said to have been carried off by a ghost to Siam of Nepal….

Answer the following questions briefly.          

1.What did Gullu remember?
2.What had happened with Munisami’s father?
3.Which noises reached his ears?
4.What did he fear the devils would do to him?
5.When was Gullu’s heart beat faster?
6.What instance was before Gullu?
7.Find out from the passage the word which is opposite to ‘forgot’?
8.Write the word from the passage which means ‘the quality of being quiet and not moving’.

Suggested answers of the above passage:

1.Gullu remembered all the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life.
2.Munisami’s father had been slapped on the cheek by the devils. He spat out blood because of that.
3.All kinds of noises reached his ears ticking of the clock, rustle of the trees, humming of insects etc.
4.He feared the devils would come up and clutch at his throat or carry him away.
5.Gullu’s heart beat was faster when the night advanced and silence in the house deepened.
6.There was an instance before Gullu of his old friend in the fourth class who suddenly disappeared and was said to have been carried off by a ghost to Siam or Nepal.
7.‘Remembered’ is the word opposite of ‘Forgot’.
8.‘Stillness’ is the word from the passage which is similar to ‘the quality of being quiet and not moving’.

4 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers

Jambaji was much affected by this drought. Many were the nights he spent in wakefulness because of the suffering he saw around him. The dying cattle, the starving children, they haunted him day and night. And finally, at the age of thirty-four, he had a vision. He saw man intoxicated with his own power, destroying the world around him. And he decided to change it all. If life was to flourish again in this desolate land, Jambaji saw that man would have to live in a different way, and according to different tenets and beliefs. Jambaji wanted the earth to be covered once again by an abundance of khejdi, ber, ker and sangri trees, he wanted herds of blackbuck to frolic again, and he wanted men to work for this. Jambaji knew the way to achieve this, and he began to broadcast his message in the year 1485.

His message included twenty-nine basic tenets. Its two major commandments were a prohibition against the cutting, down of any green tree or the killing of any animal. Jambaji’s message of humanity and respect for all living things was eagerly accepted. His teachings prompted the inhabitants of hundreds of villages to reclothe the earth with its green cover.

Answer the following questions briefly.          

1.Why was Jambaji much affected by the drought?
2.What did he see in his vision?
3.What did Jambaji decide to change?
4.Which were the two major commandments of Jambaji’s message?
5.What was eagerly accepted?
6.In what did his teachings prompt the inhabitants of hundreds of villages?
7.Find out from the passage the word which is opposite to ‘scarcity’.
8.Write the word from the passage which means ‘develop quickly’.

Suggested answers of the above passage:

1.Jambaji was much affected by the drought because he saw great suffering all around him, the dying cattle and the starving children.
2.In his vision he saw men intoxicated with their own power destroying the world around them.
3.Jambaji decided to change the beliefs and the ways of life of the people.
4.The two major commandments of jambaji’s message were (1) A prohibition against the cutting down of green trees and (2) against the killing of any animal.
5.Jambaji’s message of humanity and respect for all living things was eagerly accepted.
6.His teachings prompted the inhabitants of hundreds of villages to reclothe the earth with its green cover.
7.‘Abundance’ is the word opposite of ‘Scarcity’.
8.‘Flourish’ is the word from the passage which is similar to ‘develop quickly’.

5 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers

Even today in the materialistic world, it is honesty, sincerity and integrity which paves the way for future success and pays much in the long run. Though for the time being dishonesty, unfairness and black-marketing lead to huge profits yet after some time the evils recoil upon the doer. So character is the solid basis of success even in trade and commerce. Honest and fair dealings in business always lead to contentment, success and prosperity. In foreign countries great stress is laid on the dictum of honesty and as such they have made remarkable progress in the field of trade and commerce. Unfortunately due to slavery, we have lost our morale and as such try to adopt dishonest dealers and as such fail to prosper in business. We never think the good of our customers or dealers and as such fail to prosper in business. Now in our free country, it is our pious duty to maintain high standard of morality and avoid dishonesty and unfair means, to achieve a nobler aim. A successful businessmen should have a high code of morals and always strive for fairness and goodness, nobility and honesty. He should not cheat his customers by bogus and absurd things. His dealings should be frank, straight forward and honest.

Answer the following questions briefly.          

1.What ensures future success and pays in the long run?
2.Where do dishonest and unfair practices lead to?
3.What is the secret behind the remarkable progress of foreign countries?
4.How should a successful businessman behave?
5.Why do we fail to prosper in business?
6.What is our duty now in our free country?
7.Find out from the passage the word which is opposite to ‘materialistic’.
8.Write from the passage the word which means ‘a formal expression of opinion’.

Suggested answers of the above passage:

1.Honesty, sincerity and integrity ensure future success and pay In the long run.
2.Dishonest and unfair practices lead to nowhere. They recoil upon the doer himself.
In foreign countries, great stress is laid on honesty. This is the secret behind their remarkable progress in every field.
3.A successful businessman should be frank, straightforward and honest in his dealings with his customers.
4.We fail to prosper in business because we never thing good of our customers or dealers.
5.Now in our free country, it is our pious duty to maintain high standard of morality and avoid dishonesty and unfair means to achieve a nobler aim.
6.‘Spiritual’ is the word opposite of ‘materialistic’.
7.‘Dictum’ is the word from the passage which is similar to ‘a formal expression of opinions’.

6 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers

Conversation is a fine art. It is the art of exchanging thought. It is an art which anybody can cultivate or master. Not everybody can paint or play music, but almost everyone can talk. Thus it affords the greatest pleasure to the greatest number. ‘To talk”, says R.L. Sleversan, “is our chief business in the world. And talk is by far the most accessible of pleasures. It costs nothing in money, it is all profit. It completes our education, makes friends and can be enjoyed at any age. Conversation is indeed the most teachable of all the arts. All you need to do is to find a subject that interests you and your listeners.
Hobbies are for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about the other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of your popularity. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interest.
It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a bore, avoid certain unpleasant topics. Avoid talking about yourself unless you are asked to do so. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only one who willingly listens to such talk is, the doctor, but he gets paid for it. You must also know not only what to say but also how to say it.


  1. Answer the following questions briefly:
    (a) How does the author define and explain the art of conversation?
    (b) How is talking easier to learn than other fine arts?
    (c) What are the subjects one can easily talk about?
    (d) Which topics usually bore the listener?
    (e) What should be avoided unless you are asked to do so?
  2. Find out words from the above passage similar in meaning to the following:
    (a) acquire or develop
    (b) within reach
    (c) make happy.



(a) Conversation is a fine art easier to learn and within everybody’s reach.
(b) It is easier to become a good talker than a master painter or musician.
(c) One can easily talk about hobbies of the listener
(d) One should avoid discussing unpleasant topics like sickness or death
(e) Avoid talking about yourself unless you are asked to do so.


(a) cultivate
(b) accessible
(c) please.

7 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers

Once there was a miser who sold all his possessions and, with the money, bought a great lump of gold, dug a deep hole at the edge of the garden, and there he buried his gold. Once a day, thereafter, the miser went to the garden, dug up his gold, and embraced it lovingly. One of the miser’s workmen wondered why his master spent so much time in the garden. One day, he hid behind a tree and soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure. That night, when the miser was fast asleep, the workman crept into the garden and stole the lump of gold. When the miser found that his gold was gone, he tore his hair and cried aloud in his despair. A neighbour came running to see what the matter was, and the grief-stricken miser told him what had happened. Then the neighbours said, “Pray to stop your weeping. Go and find a stone. Place the stone in the hole and imagine that it is your lump of gold. The stone will serve your purpose, for you never meant to use the gold anyway.” “To a miser, what he has is of no more use than what he has not.”

1. How did the miser get the lump of gold?

a. By selling all he had

b. While digging the garden?

c. From his ancestors

d. From his neighbour

Correct Answer: Option (a)

2. Why did miser spend so much time in the garden?

a. He was a nature lover.

b. He liked watching children playing in the garden.

c. To keep an eye on his hidden treasure.

d. To change the place of his lump of gold.

Correct Answer: Option (c)

3. By whom was the gold stolen?

a. A thief

b. His neighbour

c. The miser’s workman

d. The miser himself

Correct Answer: Option (c)

4. The neighbour advised the miser to put a stone in the hole because ____.

a. Gold is like a stone only.

b. The miser would never use the gold, hence no difference between the two.

c. The stone will become gold after some time.

d. For a wise man, gold and stone have equal worth.

Correct Answer: Option (b)

5. Choose the most appropriate title for this story.

a. Gold and Stone

b. The Miser and His Gold

c. The Miser and His Neighbour

d. The Miser and His workman

Correct Answer: Option (b)

8 Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers

The cinema is the cheapest source of entertainment today. Millions of people see movies and enjoy them. It is a good pastime in all the places – big or small.
The cinema industry has made rapid progress after independence. In the beginning there were silent, and black and white movies. Now we are dazzled by the colours in every movie.
Big posters are seen on the walls of cities and towns for advertisements. They also announce the coming movies in the city. There is always a rush before the booking windows. So the tickets are often sold in the black market or at a premium.
On the one hand the cinema is a source of entertainment. On the other it is also a source of knowledge and information. Films satisfy all the sections of people and their different tastes.
There are religious movies and historical movies. They recreate the past, the old culture and lifestyle. Social films spread awareness about social evils of dowry, casteism and communal feelings. Some films expose the corruption in high places among the policemen and the citizens.


  1. Answer the following questions briefly:
    (a) Why is cinema so much popular?
    (b) How can you say that the cinema industry has made rapid progress after independence?
    (c) Why are tickets often sold in the black market?
    (d) Mention two advantages of cinema.
    (e) What is the main purpose of making social films?
  2. Find words from the above passage which mean the opposite to:
    (a) costliest
    (b) slow
    (c) present
    (d) hide.



(a) Cinema is so much popular because it is the cheapest means of recreation. It is a good posture.
(b) Earlier there were silent, and black and white movies. Now we are dazzled by the colours in the movies. One can see big posters on the wall of cities and towns.
(c) Tickets are often sold in the black market because there is always a huge rush before the booking windows.
• Cinema is a source of entertainment.
• It is also a source of knowledge and information.
(e) The main purpose of making social films is to spread awareness about social evils of dowry, casteism and communal feelings.


(a) cheapest
(b) rapid
(c) past
(d) expose.

9 Unseen Comprehension for Class 6 with Answers

Read the following unseen passage for class 6 carefully and answer the questions given below the unseen passage:- 

There was a girl named Valliammai, but she was called Valli for short. She was eight years old and very curious. Her favourite thing to do was stand in the front doorway of her house and watch the street. She didn’t have friends her age on her street, so this was her main activity.

Valli found watching the street as enjoyable as the games other kids played. The most exciting thing for her was a bus that went from her village to the nearest town. It passed her street every hour, going to the town and coming back. Seeing the bus with its new passengers made Valli very happy.

She started wishing to ride on that bus, even just once. This wish grew stronger and stronger until it became a strong desire. When her friends described the town after riding the bus, Valli felt jealous and would say, “Proud!” even though they didn’t understand what it meant.

Carefully read the questions from the unseen passage for class 6 and answer them.



1. What was Valli’s favourite activity?

Ans. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


2. Why did Valli feel jealous when her friends described the town after riding the bus?

Ans. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


3. What did Valli enjoy watching as much as the games other kids played?

 (a) Birds in the park 

 (b) The street outside her house

 (c) Television shows 

 (d) Her toys

4. Why did Valli say “Proud!” when her friends described the town after riding the bus? 


 (a) She was happy for her friends.

 (b) She didn’t like the town.

 (c) She wanted to ride the bus herself.

 (d) She thought her friends were bragging.

5. What does the word ” envious” mean in the text?

6. What is the meaning of the words “a strong desire to know” as used in the text?



  1. Valli’s favourite activity was standing in the front doorway of her house and watching the street.
  2. Valli felt jealous because she wanted to ride the bus too, and she couldn’t.
  3. (b) The street outside her house
  4. (c) She wanted to ride the bus herself.
  5. Jealous
  6. Curious

10 Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 with Answers

A myth has been built around the pelican, one of the oldest surviving birds. It is a commonly held belief that the mother feeds her chicks on her own blood. So people have regarded the pelican as most affectionate and dutiful bird.

The large bill of the bird makes it very easy to recognize it. It has a short tail, short legs, long wings and a large bag under its bill. Because of its webbed toes, the pelican finds walking on the land difficult.

However, it is a delight to watch these birds in flight. The pelican has figured among the largest of birds. It has a wing span of up to 2.75 meters, and weighs between 4.5 and 11 kg. It lives in places with a moderate climate. It migrates to India, Africa and Iran in winter because its wings do not give sufficient protection against the cold. The brown pelican is the smallest of the pelicans. It dives its head long into water from quite a height to get at its prey. The other six species of pelicans have a white plumage.

Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest, nest and even fish together. The young pelicans take wing when they are about two months old. The nests of pelicans are far from the source of any food. Therefore, the adults have to fly great distances to get food.

Unseen Comprehension Questions with Answers Class 6 Passage 3:

1. Below you can find a summary of the above passage. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase to complete it. Pelican is one of the oldest (a)____________ birds. It is believed that its young ones are fed by the mother’s (b)__________ . Perhaps due to this, pelican is regarded as the (c) _______ and dutiful bird. It has long (d)______________ webbed feet and a very short tail. pelican finds it difficult to walk on land because of its (e) _______. It lives in places where the climate is (f) _______. In all there are (g) _______ species of pelicans.

2. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as

(a) enough (b) friendly


1. (a) surviving

(b) own blood

(c) most affectionate

(d) wings and

(e)  webbed toes

(f) moderately cold

(g) seven

Tips for Unseen Comprehension Passage Class 6 with Answers

Students will find the answers to those questions by reading the same passage carefully and for this they will write-

  • Students should read the given passage and questions carefully two-three times and try to understand its meaning.
  • Then the answer to each question should be marked and written in that passage.
  • Try to write the answer in your own language as far as possible.
  • Give answer in complete sentence.
  • The Tense (Past, Present, Future) and Pearson in which there is a question, use the same Tense and Person in the answer as well.
  • Write the answer in Indirect Speech not in Direct Speech.
  • You must revise your answer so that there are no mistakes related to Article, Tense, Spelling, Preposition, Punctuation etc.

What are the things to be kept in mind while solving unread passages?

The following points should be kept in mind while solving the questions of unread passage of Class 6:

  • Read the passage carefully over and over again.
  • Try to understand the meaning of difficult words and phrases.
  • Read and understand all the questions then write the answer.
  • Read the multiple choice questions carefully, as they all have similar answers. sorting the correct answer
  • For this it is very important to understand the passage.
  • If asked to state the title, a suitable title should be given.

Unseen Comprehension Passage for Class 6 in other Languages

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